Selected articles
We are delighted to bring you some selected articles from Midlife Matters e-magazine. Articles will appear here from the previous edition over time - if you would like to receive your own copy via e-mail (to get them 'hot off the press'), just drop us an e-mail and we will add you to the circulation list.Keywords - click to select articles from the word cloud below [clear selection]
wellbeing-general | cancer | cardiovascular | clinical | diversity | fibroids | fitness | hrt | legal | medical | mental-wellbeing | nutrition | personality | physical-wellbeing | poi | second-spring | sexual-wellbeing | tesosterone | testosterone | training | video | wellbeing-general | workplace |
Menopause: a GP's perspective

Dr Shashi Prasad talks about how to get the most out of your appointment with a medical professional
HRT and menopause - an update

Professor Talaulikar presents an online update on HRT and menopause (video presentation), packed with up-to-date, balanced and research-backed information
Chinese medicine and acupuncture

Jo Darling, Chinese Medicine and acupuncture expert, gives us an overview and how it can help us
Testosterone and menopause

Professor Talaulikar outlines the role of testosterone, what may happen to it during peri-menopause, the effects of deficiency, what options are available and their risks and benefits
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