Selected articles
We are delighted to bring you some selected articles from Midlife Matters e-magazine. Articles will appear here from the previous edition over time - if you would like to receive your own copy via e-mail (to get them 'hot off the press'), just drop us an e-mail and we will add you to the circulation list.Keywords - click to select articles from the word cloud below [clear selection]
wellbeing-general | cancer | cardiovascular | clinical | diversity | fibroids | fitness | hrt | legal | medical | mental-wellbeing | nutrition | personality | physical-wellbeing | poi | second-spring | sexual-wellbeing | tesosterone | testosterone | training | video | wellbeing-general | workplace |
Stress, resilience and personality

When isolated, negative feelings can become exaggerated as we've lost the point of reference with others and any feelings of anxiety may well become overwhelming. How does our personality affect things?
On thought leadership

Should we think for ourselves or have our thoughts led by others? What is thought leadership, anyway?
Training - online, on target?

Training - online versus face-to-face. Hardly a new topic, but, in our daily experience, one that is still hot and maybe getting more so with the current economic situation. A discussion ...
Honesty - always the right decision?

Most people, if asked, would put honesty high
up on their list of values and how they want to live their lives. But, if I were to ask people if they had ever
lied, the person who says 'No' is, in fact, lying
Unclogging the arteries of business

If companies are not clear about their vision and values, they run the risk of falling into fear and failure without even realising it
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