Selected articles
We are delighted to bring you some selected articles from Midlife Matters e-magazine. Articles will appear here from the previous edition over time - if you would like to receive your own copy via e-mail (to get them 'hot off the press'), just drop us an e-mail and we will add you to the circulation list.Keywords - click to select articles from the word cloud below [clear selection]
wellbeing-general | cancer | cardiovascular | clinical | diversity | fibroids | fitness | hrt | legal | medical | mental-wellbeing | nutrition | personality | physical-wellbeing | poi | second-spring | sexual-wellbeing | tesosterone | testosterone | training | video | wellbeing-general | workplace |
The heart and menopause

What impact does peri-menopause have on women's hearts and why are they at greater risk of heart disease / heart attack post menopause? What can women do to protect their hearts? Dr Vikram Talaulikar helps
The battle for equality in women’s heart health

A male-oriented vision is still present in almost all fields of healthcare, leading to many misunderstood diseases in women and the persistent misperception of symptoms, says Professor Angela Maas
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