Selected articles
We are delighted to bring you some selected articles from Midlife Matters e-magazine. Articles will appear here from the previous edition over time - if you would like to receive your own copy via e-mail (to get them 'hot off the press'), just drop us an e-mail and we will add you to the circulation list.Keywords - click to select articles from the word cloud below [clear selection]
wellbeing-general | cancer | cardiovascular | clinical | diversity | fibroids | fitness | hrt | legal | medical | mental-wellbeing | nutrition | personality | physical-wellbeing | poi | second-spring | sexual-wellbeing | tesosterone | testosterone | training | video | wellbeing-general | workplace |

Around 10 million people in the UK live with arthritis. Arthritis means pain, swelling or stiffness in a joint or joints. What is it and what can we do about it?
Rest is rust, motion is lotion

Have you ever considered being more active and not started? 'I used to be able to do that - that's a young person's game'. As strong as these thoughts may be, I will show you why they are not objectively true, says Ryan Faldo
Think your way to better pain management

Chronic pain can have a devastating effect on our wellbeing and quality of life. Dr Caroline Marlow explains the role of psychology in how we experience chronic pain and some of the beliefs that she helps people consider to manage their pain better
It's a HIIT!

High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) for five years increases quality of life and improves cardiorespiratory fitness more than moderate exercise, says Professor Ulrik Wisløff
Obesity, diabetes and COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought many worries to us all, but those with diabetes and a higher BMI have been disproportionally hit by the severity of the effects of the virus. Dr Paul Ettlinger of the London General Practice discusses the evidence
Bodies beautiful

The human body is incredibly beautiful. Its colours, shadings, shapes and intricate textures excite pleasure; crinkles, creases, scars and tattoos incite curiosity. As we age, it changes, says Professor Joanna Bourke
Physical and psychological wellbeing

A sizeable proportion of women experience significant symptoms that negatively impact on their quality of life. These can become a frequent occurrence, say Professor Manyonda and Dr Talaulikar
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