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RDPI Core Matrix

Leadership - the leader people want to follow!

CORE teamIn today's world, leaders who are respected and who people want to follow are those that demonstrate what used to be called the 'soft factors'. It is now recognised that these are the critical elements that every truly successful leader has.

Excellent communications are key. As is the ability to get your key messages across clearly so everyone understands them. Recognising what every individual brings to the 'whole' is a skill that can be honed - mainly by gaining a better understanding of self and team members. This helps to make the team a good place to be and improves its efficiency and effectiveness - along with reducing stress levels that are often due to poor communications and a lack of understanding and appreciation of diversity within the team

Some of the things we will cover during the course will include:
  • What are your subconscious preferences in terms of communications and leadership
  • Understand more about yourself, both strengths and weaknesses
  • Take ownership of your behaviour choices whilst being aware of the expectations of stakeholders
  • How you may be perceived by others and how to affect that perception with self-awareness
  • Being aware of the impact you have on others (of similar and different styles)
  • Recognising the key indicators to help them recognise the dominant 'preference' in other people
  • Techniques you can use to enhance your communications and get your key messages across more effectively
  • Recognise and value the differences and diversity in others
  • How to maximise the combination of different profiles within teams
  • Becoming more flexible in communication with others to build more effective rapport
  • Understand more about styles and the different preferences, expectations and desires
  • Increase the effectiveness of team dynamics, communication, efficacy of performance and joined-up working
  • How to use all the above to become a more effective leader

Leadership - the leader people want to follow!

CORE teamIn today's world, leaders who are respected and who people want to follow are those that demonstrate what used to be called the 'soft factors'. It is now recognised that these are the critical elements that every truly successful leader has.

Excellent communications are key. As is the ability to get your key messages across clearly so everyone understands them. Recognising what every individual brings to the 'whole' is a skill that can be honed - mainly by gaining a better understanding of self and team members. This helps to make the team a good place to be and improves its efficiency and effectiveness - along with reducing stress levels that are often due to poor communications and a lack of understanding and appreciation of diversity within the team

Some of the things we will cover during the course will include:
  • What are your subconscious preferences in terms of communications and leadership
  • Understand more about yourself, both strengths and weaknesses
  • Take ownership of your behaviour choices whilst being aware of the expectations of stakeholders
  • How you may be perceived by others and how to affect that perception with self-awareness
  • Being aware of the impact you have on others (of similar and different styles)
  • Recognising the key indicators to help them recognise the dominant 'preference' in other people
  • Techniques you can use to enhance your communications and get your key messages across more effectively
  • Recognise and value the differences and diversity in others
  • How to maximise the combination of different profiles within teams
  • Becoming more flexible in communication with others to build more effective rapport
  • Understand more about styles and the different preferences, expectations and desires
  • Increase the effectiveness of team dynamics, communication, efficacy of performance and joined-up working
  • How to use all the above to become a more effective leader

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